Current Opportunities

At OpenOrigins, we believe you need to be able to trust what you see on the internet. We give you the tools to find out whether you’re seeing a fabrication or something real. We also believe you need to have certainty in the ownership of your digital assets. Therefore, we help you source NFTs from world-renowned sources, tracking their provenance at every step of the way.

DAO Maker is the growth solution provider and blockchain launchpad behind some of the most successful tokenized projectsincluding Orion Protocol, My Neighbor Alice, Orion Money, GameFi and more Recently Victoria VR. Our team is looking for a candidate to fill a gap in our Finance team and help us to set the trend for the crypto industry.

GSR is a leading market-making and programmatic trading company in the exciting and fast-evolving world of cryptocurrency trading. We provide sophisticated execution and liquidity services to token projects, institutional and HNW investors and crypto exchanges.